duminică, 26 decembrie 2010


Stiu ca nu am postata de mult pe blog si poate nu mi-a comentat nimeni(i'm sorry!)dar nu prea am avut timp.Clasa a 7-a e mai grea pe cat credeam si poate f.obositoare.Cred ca acest an a fost frumos dar si mai putin prumos (note mici la mate,crize adolescentine,certuri cu prietenii)dar si lucruri bune(m-am inteles bine cu toata lumea...hmmm....aproape)...                                                                                                                                           Cand eram mica doream da zbor dasupra planetei si sa vad daca e diferit.Creadeam ca viata e usoara si ca toata lumea iti vrea binele (dar m-am inselat).Mi-a povestit mama ca lumea reala e diferita de cea a povestilor si eu doream sa traesc in cea a povestilor .....era intotdeauna cu final fericit (aha!)..ma simteam mai in siguranta .E  mai frumos sa visezi decat sa vezi realitatea...(eu am ales sa visez chiar si cu ochii deschisii!)                                         Intotdeauna m-am intrebat ce e la capatul lumii......poate fi orice ,asta e sigur...(eu m-am gandit ca eate o usa iar pe partea cealalta este lumea pe dos)aha!:)                                                                                                          Bn.........pa...pa(xo,xo,Gaby)

Marry x-masssssss!!!!!

duminică, 31 octombrie 2010


i like the many things....the dancing,the music,the chocolate,the flowers,the sunny days,the funny movies,the boys,the fashon........many things i like.These things are part of my life....For someone of these things are insignificant but these things are characterize me.....I like to read the drama story..i like to see the drama movies and the funny movies.....i like to see the cartoons on the morning....i like to joking with my friends.I like the cute boys because are cutes.....I like the summer becouse i feel freedom ...i like the freedom...i like the fashon's magazine,i like the pop music(i like lady gaga!);))I like the GOSSIP GIRL i wach it every saturday....(i like and i like...)       xo,xo..:P

sâmbătă, 30 octombrie 2010


happy halloween ......i like this holiday.halloween manes scary mask,scary costumes,many sweets (yami..!:))..and entertainment...(brrrr..i'm scared! ..i jokeing ;)))...


AUTUMN......hmmm......outside is could....i'm boring... school and homework....is beautiful :)...the view is beautiful....(everithing is yellow!)is COOL......i like it.AUTUMN,the things shining :))...when the wind blows on your side by you like waking up from numbness..                                                                                                  i like autumn......(xo,xo)

vineri, 29 octombrie 2010


summer,summer and summer i like this months.is no school,.is no homework....is no and no...;)).SUMMER means freedom,frienship and travel.i like to travel....travel...and travel on the world.In my dreams but actually i don't travel only in my country.In my dreamd i fly in PARIS,in NEWYORK(hello newyork!:)))and TOKYO (i like to be there!!)...                                                                                                                                                i like the freedom(but who does not love freedom?.....).....freedom to play childish,freedom to be crazy.............freedom to make everything...>:d<..